Tuesday 16 September 2014


I was standing at the bus stop, waiting with my suitcase for Laura to pick me up, when I saw a grey-haired woman holding a brown-eared dog on a leash.
The woman, who was wearing a pair of blue dungarees, and the dog were standing in the bus shelter, and with them was a grey-haired man.
The man was wearing a pair of beige corduroy trousers and a blue and white striped shirt and next to him on the ground was a small black cabin-size bag.
After a few minutes I leaned down to get something from my bag and the dog, probably thinking I had food, came over and started sniffing at me.
I said hello and rubbed the dog's head.
Then I stood up and said-'Is that some kind of spaniel?'
'Yes,' said the woman, 'it's a springer spaniel,'
'It's a sturdy looking dog,' I said, 'it looks..reliable,'
The woman laughed and said yes, that he was a reliable dog.
Then the man came over and we all looked at the sturdy dog while it sniffed my bag.
'Where are you off to?' the woman asked me.
I told her I was going to California.
'Obviously not on the bus,' I said to her and she laughed.
'Where are you off to?' I asked the couple.
'Oh, I'm just going to walk the dog,' the woman said, 'but he's off to Scotland,'
I looked at the man, who had his hands in his pockets and was smiling.
'Yes,' said the woman, 'he's off to vote.'
Then the bus came and the woman said here it is and the man kissed the woman and got on the bus and the bus drove off and the woman told me good bye, have a good trip, and walked away.
As I watched the woman walk away I wanted to shout out to her-WHICH WAY IS HE VOTING?
But I didn't.
I just watched her walk down the hill with her sturdy dog while I stood there feeling slightly teary for the people of Scotland and what they were be about to attempt.

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