Tuesday 15 April 2014

This morning, cycling home from saying goodbye to Isaac, Tatji and Matti, I crossed the bridge over the Martin Luther King Freeway (freeway number 94) and saw, on the footpath, a human being wrapped up in blankets.

This morning, cycling home from saying goodbye to Isaac, Tatji and Matti, I crossed the bridge over the Martin Luther King Freeway (freeway number 94) and saw, on the footpath, a human being wrapped up in blankets.
The human looked like the exact shape of an Egyptian mummy, except whoever it was was wrapped in what looked like a blue nylon sleeping bag with another beige patterned blanket wrapped around that.

I was standing there, holding my bicycle and wondering what to do when a young man with a shaved head, wearing shorts and headphones, crossed the bridge toward me.

'Excuse me,' I said to him, pointing to the wrapped up person laying on the footpath, 'do you think that person over there is alright?'
The young man took his headphones out of his ears and looked back to where he had just crossed the bridge.
'Look, he's moving so I guess he's okay,' the young man said and then we both stood there for a moment, watching the sleeping person moving around.
'I wondered if I should call someone because whoever is in that wrap up is almost on the road,'
'They do that, they stay as close to the road as possible,' the young man told me, 'so they can be seen in case anything happens, in case they get attacked or anything,'
'Shit,' I said, 'that's terrible. Should we do something, like... anything?'
'No,' the young man told me, 'there's nothing you really can do, but it's really, like, totally cool of you to care.'

I'm making a drawing about Tony Abbott.
It's called 'In Australia Not All Creatures Are Dangerous, However Some Are Extremely Poisonous'
Abbott's face will go in the little space bottom right, Gina Rinehart above, and then that left frame is for Rupert Murdoch.
Mr Poisonous, Mrs Greedy and Mr Power-Swollen.

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